In the eastern countries in past few thousand years tremendously significant experiments have been done by Yogies, Sufies, Rishis, Lamas… All these experiments were within oneself, to awaken the consciousness, to enrich oneself in the inner world, the spiritual world. These experiments are immensely significant and we need to appreciate the richness of the inner world.
In the western countries, in past few hundred years lots of scientific experiments have happened leading to modern technological development, industrial revolution and so on. We must appreciate the usefulness of the modern technology (because of which you are able to read this!) but we must also understand that Industrial revolution, nuclear energy and modern technology have its own side effects in the form of destruction, if not used properly.
The decisive factor is the human values which are directly connected to the evolution of consciousness. There is very thin line between need and greed. It is the greed of the human mind that has created trouble with the modern technology and not the technology itself.
In the east, few people could scale great heights in consciousness…Examples: Patanjali, Astavakra, Krishna, King Janak, Buddha, Mahavira… (The percentage of this is very small) but the eastern masses remain more or less poor materially. Even today in most eastern developing countries the poverty levels are very high in villages and many suffer the lack of basic amenities.
In the west, because of technological development, the material affluence could add to comforts of living but most people are hungry and thirsty of inner happiness in the midst of plenty in the material world!
In a way east and west both are half and unhappy. The time has come to create a “Total Human Being” on this planet who is materially happy and spiritually happy too! My word for material affluence is “Billionaire”. It does not mean having Billions as bank balance but it represents material comforts for masses… It means availability of basic necessities of life without struggle, for everyone without any discrimination. And I choose “Enlightenment” as my word representing the peak of spiritual evolution. So, I use “Enlightened Billionaire” as a phrase for “Total Human Being” who is happy in material world and also happy in spiritual world. This is the ultimate potential of every human being on the planet earth.
“Enlightened Billionaire” phenomena is happening on planet earth since more than five thousand years. King Janak was the first enlightened billionaire in the recorded history. He was king who got enlightened while discussing with sage Astavakra. Lord Krishna was “Enlightened Billionaire”. Absolutely kingly, rich, affluent materially at the same time his consciousness was awakened. He was “Enlightened Master” who was absolutely life positive who said yes to every aspect of life including material comforts, love and romance, peace and war and all types of yoga and everything. That is why we say Krishna, a purnavatar! He said yes to everything, that is enlightened billionaire. He is truly “Purna Purushottam” (Complete Human being and best amongst all). He convinced Arjuna do his duty of fighting for his rights, for establishing dharma.
Siddhartha was a prince with all the material comforts but wanted to know the ultimate truth. He left his palace in search of truth… He got awakened and became Buddha! He understood the importance of walking the middle path and he promoted the same.
When the consciousness is developed, the affluence is used for establishing Dharma. Riches are used for well-being of humanity. This is a wonderful attitude of “Enlightened Billionaire” which is most wanted on planet earth today. India has seen many industrialists with this approach. JRD Tata was one such industrialist who had human well-being as his core value. In modern India, Narayan Murthy and KC Shroff belong to this category. And there are many such enlightened billionaire, known and unknown… all over the world.
In traditional oriental culture, sadhus, swamis, renunciates, lamas, saints… say no to material world and this aspect of renunciation (tyag, Vairagya, udaseenta) has been overly glorified. “Brahma satya, jagat mithya” (Consciousness is truth, world is illusion) is wrongly interpreted. The eastern cultural conditioning promoted by sadhus and swamis is you get enlightened only if you renounce the world. This is the general perception that masses have. Hence all those interested in spiritual evolution, even today, opt for dropping out from householder’s responsibilities and become sanyasi / monks. Because they do not earn their bread, they remain dependent on either their organization or some senior Swami who has resources to feed these monks. Sanyasi beggars’ days are gone. Modern spirituality is affluent -enlightened, and that is the concept we are starting. In the modern days even sanyasis need to work and earn their bread.
We will understand through a story from Panchatantra (Andhe langade ki kahani….) (The story of Blind and lame); why people are not happy in this world…
Once upon a time, there were two beggars. One beggar was blind and the other was lame. Both used to beg in daytime in town and at night time they would go in to the forest to rest. Once it so happened that the forest caught fire and all the villagers were worried that both the beggars will die as one was not able to see and the other was not able to walk. The blind beggar was feeling the heat of the fire, the lame beggar could see the fire but because he could not walk he was not able to run away. Suddenly both the beggars got the idea! The blind was not able to see but he could walk and his legs were strong. The lame person could see but could not walk, so they struck a deal. The blind person should carry the lame person on his shoulders. The lame person could see so he will guide the way, the blind person cannot see but could walk so he can run on the guided path. In this way both escaped from the fire of the jungle and had the blessings of life!
Indian stories are not ordinary stories. They have tremendous spiritual insights in them. A materially affluent person who says “yes” to the material world is more like a blind person. He can walk because the resources are available but he can’t see because he doesn’t have the eyes to see. A sanyasi who says “yes” to spirituality develops the eyes, the vision to see, so he is able to see but to walk he needs the support of the resourceful person. That is why all the sanyasis are supported by the king or affluent person. A blind man cannot see and the lame cannot walk, so they have to associate. Always the humanity remained half and never became full, complete and that is the evolution that is required right now on the planet earth. Each person has to become integrated whole, total human being. A materially affluent person is blind; a spiritually rich person is lame. Both are half but when both of them come together, within you that is “Enlightened Billionaire”, only then you become complete. Monks and nuns are avoiding the material world; material world people are avoiding spirituality. Both are half and they both have to become total. Say “yes” to material world and say “yes” to spiritual world and be an Enlightened Billionaire and that is the ultimate that is possible. You will actualize your potential to the fullest!
The time has come now for eastern countries to come out of this cultural conditioning and change the mind set. We have to re-arrange our life and change the mindset which says yes to affluence, which says yes to enlightenment – both. That is the real, total, complete human being. And, it is possible… for enlightenment one need not say no to material affluence. On the contrary the time has now come where material affluence and enlightenment has to go hand-in-hand to have that completeness in human aspect. Now the time has come when more & more people will have to lead by example – that affluence & enlightenment go hand-in-hand, and that’s the only way to live life in the modern era.
Enlightened Billionaire is a one who will say yes to enlightenment and yes to affluence, richness, and resourcefulness. So we need to work on this aspect, change our attitudes, and change our mindsets. Don’t get carried away by the Enlightened Beggars (begging for material wealth) or Billionaire Beggars (begging for spiritual wealth) – both are beggars – understand this. We don’t want to be beggars; we want to be like King Janak, Enlightened Billionaire! Tremendous affluence outside, tremendous richness inside. That is the way to live life. We need to change our mindset. We have to come out of old mental patterns / engrams / conditioning / samskaras / psychic impressions… whichever word you understand! We have to create the new mindset where spirituality & affluence go hand–in–hand.
To create enlightened billionaires on planet earth is a very big challenge. They have to work and be materially comfortable on their own and also simultaneously do spiritual practices for enlightenment. The right use of scientific technology we have, can make us materially affluent and the right use of spiritual technology that we have will make us rich spiritually form inside, at the level of consciousness. That is the way, more and more people can become enlightened billionaires!
“Enlightened Billionaire” is a “REVOLUTION” of tremendous significance. Because we will be creating the new path on which millions more people will be walking in the future. We have to be the living example of this. We have to become what we are foreseeing. We have to be the change we want to see in the world! And we have to lead by example – We have to first create this possibility for us and we have to live life that will inspire thousand others! Our LIFE has to create the confidence and feeling in others, that yes, it is possible!
If you see what is happening today, in general, most people are saying yes to material affluence, but they are not saying yes to enlightenment! They are not growing in consciousness. So, it is still poverty consciousness – they are not into the enlightened consciousness. Only the enlightened consciousness can be the prosperous consciousness.
A major shift has to happen from “poverty consciousness” to “prosperity consciousness”. That is the main point! We have to work on our understanding through the spiritual technology and parallelly we have to work on our material affluence with right use of modern technology. This combination has the potential to create disease-free, healthy, wealthy human being. Selecting any one at the cost of other will mean that you are diseased & you cannot be happy. You will see all over people are not happy because either the consciousness is not developed or basic material needs are not met.
So, we take a stand in favor of “Enlightened Billionaire”. We stand out. We take courageous step of saying “yes” to material well-being and “yes” to enlightened consciousness. This is the fundamental on which we will be working in “Enlightened Billionaire” workshop.
“Enlightened Billionaire” workshop is created by internationally reputed Master Trainer Guruji Prem Nirmal, using “Breath-work, Sound and Frequencies”.
Topics covered in “Enlightened Billionaire” weekend workshop :
(1) Seven Dimensional Prosperity
(2) Basic Ingredients of Prosperity
(3) Navel Activation for Fear removal
(4) Removing hurdles to Prosperity such a Childhood Conditioning, Negative Belief System & Poverty Consciousness
(5) Gama Mindset for Peak Performance
(6) The Money Frequency
(7) Abundance Activation Process
(8) PEVF – The Ultimate Secret of Abundance
(9) Reprogram your DNA for Wealth Creation
(10) Be an Enlightened Billionaire!
“Enlightened Billionaire” Workshop is now available in 11 Countries and 26 Cities.
It is not just a Program, it is a movement!
“Enlightened Billionaire” It is translation of Original Hindi word “Aishvaryavan Muktatma”.
Enlightened Billionaire Philosophy is transforming lives!!!
When I first met Guruji Prem Nirmal in Singapore. I thought he is like any other trainer, but when I sat in his class the atmosphere changed. My spirit got uplifted, a peace came down on me. I spoke to myself “I know this atmosphere.” and I realized this is the same as when I used to sit in front of my Enlightened Guru Sri 1008 Sri Ramdas Ji Maharaj. This atmosphere is created only in front of an enlightened master, a Self-realized being.
I learned Nirmal Kriya from Guruji and from that time onwards my spiritual progress which was stagnated for years, got an acceleration. Whenever Guruji was in Singapore I attended his classes and my spiritual growth became much faster with each class. When I attended Guruji’s international camp in Pyramid Ashram it was like returning home, i.e. Spiritual Home. Till date I have not missed his December International Camp in Pyramid Ashram.
With him Mantra is simple… keep practicing his teachings.
As an Engineer and a IT professional I was not convinced with the traditional explanations of the spiritual processes. I wanted a logical and scientific explanation. Guruji Provided me exactly what I needed to understand. Guruji creates power packed simple training sessions for complex concepts, for our benefit.
Another beautiful thing is that Guruji teaches us householder spirituality i.e. Enlightened Billionaire which is relevant for today’s world. Guruji has so much to offer through his teachings, that I constantly challenge myself to make the most of everything that he imparts.
I tell my friends if you want to be an Enlightened Billionaire or realize your full potential, Guruji is the person to go to.
~ Anurag, Singapore / Johannesburg / Australia
Enlightened Billionaire Workshop Testimonials
Name / Profession | Picture | Testimonials |
Prithvi Bhatt (Research Scientist) | ![]() |
Enlightened Billionaire Workshop has opened my eyes to the amazing opportunities I have all around me in my life – just a change in my own attitudes and belief systems will help to create miracles in my life. Guruji Prem Nirmal’s simple way of teaching has made things so easy to understand, helping me grow as a complete Human Being and giving me clarity of my Life’s mission. I am now truly confident and super-excited of creating the magic and joy experienced during the workshop in my life. Learning in the presence of an enlightened Master is a blessing and I know I am truly blessed; it is an experience that should not be missed!! Gratitude to Guruji for bringing the change in me and my life…… |
SrikumarIT Professional | ![]() |
Enlightened Billionaire workshop with Guruji Premji Nirmal is an amazing journey of self-discovery. It gave me the tools to quantify and the areas in which I need to improve and also the techniques for a joyous journey of life. Secrets to double the income are fantastic and real! |
Sanoop LukeGoogle,YoutubeExecutive | ![]() |
The word that aptly describes Guruji’s workshop is opening. He allowed me to open my heart, mind, and spirit to achieve what all humans are ultimately seeking: Prosperity and Happiness. Yes, both can and must exist together! Guruji shares ancient secrets that pave the way to this destination. Increasing income is just a byproduct of this wonderful journey! This course is truly priceless. |
Ping Keat Lam (Financial Analyst) | ![]() |
Very inspiring workshop! With Guruji’s guidance, I’m able to look at my blind spots directly. I’m now very motivated to implement the techniques I have learned in class and become prosperous in all the dimensions of my life. Money secrets shared by Guruji are priceless and very rare knowledge. Secrets to double the income are amazingly simple yet profound and very much practical too. I am highly motivated to walk the path and be happy in all dimensions of my life. Thank you very much Guruji. |
Yvonne Tingle (Teacher) | ![]() |
Enlightened Billionaire workshop has extended my meditation experience and expanded my understanding of living in Awareness. I have gained tools to gain in everyday situations that will increase my happiness and I have taken steps already to improve my basic skills for prosperity and promote growth of my prosperity. I have given and received feedback – feed forward on ways to achieve my life mission. Gratitude to Guruji and Guruma for their enlightening teaching. Good company, laughter and good food have been important components of the course. |
Trishla Selarka (Professional Services) | ![]() |
Enlightened Billionaire workshop with Guruji Prem Nirmal is a life changing experience! It has opened my eyes to the limitless-ness of human potential. The holistic approach is really what struck a note – it makes you realize how much you have to work on yourself to achieve what you want, and how you want it. And boy, it’s an uphill task! Thank you so much Guruji for making me grow in my understanding and awareness. I consider myself extremely lucky to have master like you to guide me in my life. |
Ng Phua Cheng (Businessman) | ![]() |
After attending Enlightened Billionaire workshop, I could sense a huge rise in my confidence level and self-esteem. Looking back, I always thought I was capable of earning a moderate amount of income, and always limit my profit margin below market level, thinking that it would please customers and keep the relationship longer. Now I realize that I actually underestimated my potential and value because of past conditioning. I’m now determined to live life to the fullest by implementing what I have learned in this workshop. |
Basant Pandey (Area TA Director – Asia Pacific and Japan) | ![]() |
The Enlightened Billionaire workshop has shaken my old belief system. It is more powerful than a nuclear reaction. I feel rejuvenated and inspired to create a sense of urgency for me to improve in life. Enlightener Billionaire concept and methods are Explosive, thought provoking, and transformational. I will never be the same again. Thank you very much! |
Preeta(Personal Trainer) | ![]() |
Enlightened Billionaire workshop was highly introspective. It has helped me to understand my blind spots, and the ways to get out of them. I also like learning about Kriya and practicing it. I found it simple and easy to practice. It is definitely a very helpful course, and I hope to achieve prosperity in all seven dimensions. Thank you very much Guruji for opening my eyes to wonderful possibilities to grow in all dimensions of life without any conflict. |
Amish Shah(IT Professional) | ![]() |
From a transition to transformation this is the journey I transcended. The understanding of the 7 Dimensions and 5 Prosperity Skills to hone on has been an eye opener. A paradigm shift in understanding my life mission, and taking the next big step has been initiated. Guruji you are the epitome of “Tamsomaajyotirgamaya” (Lead us to light from darkness). Thank you very much for many more such moments of learning, growing, transcending. |
Anoop Manghat(Media Executive) | ![]() |
It has been an eye opening experience to really understand the seven dimensions of my life, and how I have shaped them so far. Guruji Prem Nirmal has a way of throwing light on your beliefs and conditionings that are holding you back – and immediately showing you the way to create what you want. I’ve really found how to address my skills and deficit areas in the financial, spiritual, and emotional dimensions to create my own path. Looking forward to the next session, and tracking my progress. |
Kajal(Director, Avance Singapore Consultants) | ![]() |
Enlightened Billionaire workshop has been yet another life enriching experience. There has been massive learning. For me, the major takeaways are rejuvenating through few simple exercise, things to work upon (ie 5 basic Prosperity Skills), which is an urgent priority now. I am now clear about my passion and my ‘Life Mission’ and absolutely ready to invite 7 Dimensional Prosperity. Than you Guruji for an awesome experience! |
Candice Meyer (Brand Image and Communications, Asia) | ![]() |
What a tremendous return on investment. Enlightened Billionaire workshop with 7 Dimensions of prosperity is a milestone in my life and an extraordinary breakthrough. There is a before and after.I was coming in a state of misery, intense unbearable questioning, looking for answers to my questions, lost and insecure. And Guruji has gone far beyond my expectations with his fast track simple, humorous, straightforward, and illustrated methodology. I have filled my toolbox with invaluable insights, tactics and strategies which will be the foundations of my accelerated learning, understanding, growth, development, and ultimately I want to be an Enlightened Billionaire. I am so thrilled and grateful, so excited and eager to start implementing his teachings and wish they could benefit everybody. If you have to invest in yourself, this is an extraordinary experience. |
Padmaja (Software Professional) | ![]() |
Enlightened Billionaire workshop was a big eye opener to me. It was a great opportunity to have a glimpse of prosperity in a holistic way, covering all the 7 Dimensions of life. Quantification exercises helped me to see my patterns. It was so scientific and helped me to identify my strengths, and also an avenue to see clearly the development areas which I could convert into my strengths and progress. Looking enthusiastically to implement the EB teachings and make a marked difference in my life. Thanks to Guruji for patiently teaching me, and hand holding me. Inspired to hone the 5 basic prosperity skills and move towards my life mission to be an Enlightened Billionaire! |
Prasannavadan (Market Intelligence Manager) | ![]() |
I’m motivated to perform at my peak so that I reach the highest in all the 7 Dimensions of prosperity. Guruji’s systematic and scientific approach, depth of explanation of various processes and techniques have helped in removing many of my negative patterns. I’m extremely happy and offer my love and gratitude to the master – Guruji Prem Nirmal for his wonderful effort, methodology, direct transmission, shaktipat and shivapat sessions to awaken me & lead me towards light. |
PC LamDirectorImport & Export Textile Fabric Sales, Marketing | ![]() |
对我的人生有啟发,暸解我的盲点。激励我放下自我走出困境。能改变我的人生,身体健康,心境快乐。Guruji’s teaching has inspired me! It has enabled me to identify and understand my blind spots. It encourages me to let go of my ego and come out a winner in the challenging situation. By implementing the teachings, it can change my life for the better – having perfect health and living blissfully. |
Shankar (Semiconductor Executive) | ![]() |
Prosperity Yoga – Double Your Income – is an inspiring workshop that has given holistic understanding of 7 dimensional prosperity for a human being to evolve in all aspects of life. The ultimate understanding is to understand your life mission and be happy pursuing it. A fantastic and awesome workshop. I am motivated to be an Enlightened Billionaire! Thank you very much! |
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For more details about “Enlightened Billionaire” workshop in your city, connect on WhatsApp on +91 9619527572 and we will forward you the details about forthcoming workshop.
Dear Guru Ji,
My Name is Ranga Ramanujam RV from Bangalore and I would like to attend “ENLIGHTENED BILLIONAIRE WORKSHOP” hence request you to kindly send procedure and fee details about the workshop.
Thanks & Regards
Ranga Ramanujam RV
You can attend “An Evening with Guruji Prem Nirmal” at Bengaluru in the same hotel on Friday evening 7 pm to 9pm and get more details and you can register during this free intro session.