21 Natural Laws
21 Natural Laws:
Our life on planet earth is governed by few basic “Natural Laws”. Law of Gravity is one such law that nobody can deny! So also is Law of Karma… These laws are working all the time on us, irrespective of whether we know it or not, we believe in it or not… Beyond our likes and dislikes these natural laws are ruling! If we consciously know these laws and align our actions accordingly in-line with these natural laws, we can get tremendous success in life in whatever we do!
Most human beings are struggling in their life, because they do not bother to know and understand these natural governing laws. But those who understand and align themselves with natural laws achieve tremendous success in material as well as spiritual worlds.
“21 Days Challenge” is to motivate ourselves to learn, understand, ponder over, meditate on these Natural laws, one at a time and assimilate it in a way that it becomes part of our deeper understanding of life. The real challenge is to implement it on day to day basis.
Guruji Prem Nirmal has created a WhatsApp course on 21 Natural Laws that you can learn, one law daily through WhatsApp lessons for 21 days, starting from 1st August 2016. It will contain a law, its explanation write-up, a visual and it will be followed by discussion on the WhatsApp group. Once you take up this challenge and get involved to learn and implement it in your day to day living, you will see transformation happening in slow but steady manner and at the end of the course you will find major shift in your understanding of the natural laws. Once this understanding becomes part of your being, it will make it easy for you to align your actions with Natural Laws and enjoy the fruits for your learning!
Who can join? Anyone above 18 years of age, with burning desire to learn and grow are welcome to join this course.
How to join? You have to send your Name, Age and place to mobile no +91 9619527572 on WhatsApp and complete the payment formalities as per following details:
Fees: Rs.2100/- + 15% S.T. = Rs.2415/- You can deposit INR 2415 in current account of “School of Success and Happiness” HDFC Bank, Vartak Nagar, Thane Branch Account No: 04887630000528 NEFT/IFSC Code: HDFC0000488; SWIFT CODE: HDFCINBB If you have any query, connect and ask on WhatsApp +91 9619527572
It was superb learning these 21 laws.. Never knew natural laws r so wonderful.. It was also a fun way learning, reading it and pondering over it. Thanks for being such an innovative Master and teaching us thro whatsapp . Thoroughly enjoying this course on 21 Natural Laws.
~ Dr. Shilpa Mhatre, Abudhabi
Enjoying and shall enjoy the journey…will revisit all the laws periodically…thank you Guruji for the Miraculous ride through divinity of natural laws
~ Sachin Mahajan, Business Coach
Sir, many of these laws ,we were aware of, but applying these laws had not been easy because it required deeper penetration at the cellular level. Using this technology, a better understanding has happened. Also we have the opportunity to go through them again & again so that we develop more & more clarity on these laws. Thank you so much Guruji.
~ Saraswathi, Home Maker
Many of these laws we have learned earlier , but learning them in sequence in a structured manner, experience of shaktipat while reading it, pondering over it and applying it in material and spiritual life, the entire experience was unique and transformative. Guruji, gratitude to you for inventing innovative methodologies to give the deepest secretes in such simple and practical format.
~ Dr. Alpa Dalal
PLEASE NOTE: 3rd Batch is starting from 1st September 2016. Registration is in full swing. Please confirm your participation at earliest.
Thank You
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I am joining the course Guruji
I will be joining the 21 natural law.
I have registered
Gratitude to you guruji , you keep creating the ways for our continous lerning
Dear Guruji, please register my name and bless us with your wisdom.
Pranams and Gratitude to you Guruji. I have registered for this learning.
Sent the fee